Unique Individualized Curriculum (UIC)
UIC allows every child to learn at their own pace while advancing in their own talents. At AGAPE KIDS we realize that everyone learns at different times from different ways. Some may be kinesthetic learners and enjoy using their hands to grasp concepts. Others may be auditory learners that can listen and learn. While some may be visual learners that learn based on what they see. Whichever way your child learns at AGAPE KIDS we specialize in teaching them their perfect little way.

We ensure your child is exposed to all of the 5 main areas of development during free play and instructional time!
Cognitive Development
Ability to learn and solve problems. i.e. Busy Boxes, Infant Jungle Gym, or Electronic Learning Games.
Social & Emotional Development
Ability to interact with others i.e. Baby smiling, Waving bye-bye, or response to various tones.
Speech & Language Development
Ability to both understand and use language i.e. counting or naming parts of the body.
Fine Motor Skill Development
Ability to use small muscles i.e. bead coasters or picking up objects.
Gross Motor Skill Development
Ability to use large muscles i.e. pull up on furniture, stand holding on to furniture, or skipping.
Imagination, Creativity, and Technology (ICT)
Imagination and creativity help the brain expand. Your child will practice real life skills, develop a rich vocabulary, and become creative thinkers through imagination. Imagination and creativity boost learning and success. Technology offers children immediate feedback, which keeps their interest. We utilize technology in a way that builds on basic and advanced cognitive skills while sparking your child’s imagination.

- Dress-Up Clothes
- Puppets
- Noise Makers
- Kaleidoscopes
- Stuffed Animals
- Soft Balls
- Musical Instruments
- Playdoh
- Finger Paint
- Crayons
- Scissors
- Paper
- Watercolors
- Paste
- Markers
- Stapler
- Colored Pencils
- Hole Punch
- Story Books
- Picture Books
- Table Games
- Puzzles
- Dora Video Collection
- Baby Einstein DVD Collection
- Elmo Video Collection
- Barney Video Collection
- Dr. Suess Book on Video Collection
- Bob the Builder Video Collection
- Veggie Tales Video Collection
- The Puzzle Place Video Collection
- V Tech Learning Systems
- Leap Frog Learning Systems
- Whiz Kids Learning Systems
Highly Trained Teachers & Staff
Our staff is highly trained and offers the love of Christ to each family and student. They have completed a successful background check and have certification in First AID and CPR. Our staff understands the importance of loving your child and developing positive relationships that allows children to fill secure, safe, and confident.
Your child is given the opportunity to grow and maximize their talents at their own pace and encouraged to embrace their weaknesses as well as their strengths. We offer a small class ratio, which empowers your child and allows time for special help and assistance.
Bible-Based Character Building
We understand the importance of training a child up in God’s direction. We will provide them with character traits that they can carry into adulthood. AGAPE KIDS will have a set character trait that they focus on during the daily lesson plans. This Trait will change monthly and allow them to learn the promises of God as they learn how to be a reflection of Him!
Parent-Teacher conferences will be scheduled each quarter, explaining and identifying milestones accomplished and future milestone goals.
We are open Monday –Friday 6:30am-6:30pm.
In addition, we offer a part time flexible schedule and a Lesson based enrollment, which means your child only comes during lesson time. This increases social skills and exposes them to bible lessons and cognitive skills. Lesson Based Enrollment is Monday-Thursday 9am-11am.